
150 First St Unit 12 (Directly behind Michaels), Orangeville, ON L9W 3T7


​CCA offers tumbling classes for athletes from beginner to advanced levels, instructed by certified tumbling coaches. Athletes skill levels will need to be assessed to be placed in the best suited class for them to learn in a safe environment.

Please be aware of the different levels when registering for a tumbling class. Level classes require athletes to have a MINIMUM required skill level and classes are not age specified. All classes will include conditioning and strength training. Please see a list of class descriptions below to insure you are registering for the correct class.

Tiny Tumble

Prerequisite: None, ages 3-5

Tumble Skills: half handstand, mini cartwheel, cartwheel, front roll, table top, push up to bridge, backroll to nugget down a cheese

Tumble Shapes: Hold for 5s- half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe

Agility and Conditioning: Box jumps (1 block), hurdle jump, wall sit (15s), two foot jump in sequence (rep of 10), 1 foot jump in sequence- left leg (rep of 5), 1 foot jump in sequence -right leg (rep of 5). 


Tumble A: 

Prerequisite: None, ages 6+

Tumble Skills: half handstand, handstand assisted with equipment for 5s, mini cartwheel, cartwheel, front roll, table top, push up to bridge, backroll to nugget down a cheese 

Tumble Shapes: Hold for 5s-  half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe

Agility and Conditioning: Box jumps (2 blocks- rep of 10), hurdle jump, wall sit (15s), two foot jump in sequence (rep of 10), 1 foot jump in sequence- left leg (rep of 5), 1 foot jump in sequence -right leg (rep of 5), front support hold (20s)


Tumble B:

Prerequisite: half handstand, handstand assisted with equipment for 5s, mini cartwheel, cartwheel, front roll, table top, push up to bridge, backroll to nugget down a cheese 

Tumble Skills: half handstand, handstand assisted with equipment for 10s, handstand split, cartwheel, front roll step out, push up to bridge, long bridge, short bridge, round off to stomach on crash mat,  back roll, fall to bridge  

Tumble Shapes: Hold for 10s-  half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe


Tumble 1A: 

Prerequisite:  half handstand, handstand assisted with equipment for 10s, handstand split, cartwheel, front roll step out, push up to bridge, long bridge, short bridge, round off to stomach on crash mat,  back roll, fall to bridge  

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3s,  handstand split, cartwheel, front roll step out to cartwheel, long bridge, short bridge, step round off,  back roll straddle, bridge kickover, back walkover, assisted handstand front roll, handstand to bridge 

Tumble Shapes: hold for 15s- half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick


Tumble 1B:

Prerequisite: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3s,  handstand split, cartwheel, front roll step out to cartwheel, long bridge, short bridge, step round off,  back roll straddle, bridge kickover, back walkover, assisted handstand front roll, handstand to bridge

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3s, opposite leg cartwheel,elbow bridge, round off, cartwheel back walkover, double back walkover, front walkover, front walkover cartwheel back walkover, switch leg back walkover, toe touch back walkover, hurdle front walkover, back walkover to handstand straddle 

Tumble Shapes: hold for 15s-half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick


Tumble 2A:

Prerequisite: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3s, opposite leg cartwheel,elbow bridge, round off, cartwheel back walkover, double back walkover, front walkover, front walkover cartwheel back walkover, switch leg back walkover, toe touch back walkover, hurdle front walkover, back walkover to handstand straddle  

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3-5s, front handspring, dive roll, standing back handspring, round off back handspring

Tumble Shapes: hold for 20s-half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick, tuck


Tumble 2B: 

Prerequisite: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3-5s, front handspring, dive roll, standing back handspring, round off back handspring

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3-5s, back handspring step out, T jump back handspring, back walkover back handspring, back handspring ½ turn round off back handspring, cartwheel back handspring, round off back handspring triple, front walkover round off back handspring

Tumble Shapes: hold for 20s -half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick, tuck


Tumble 3A: 

Prerequisite:  handstand assisted with equipment for 15s, handstand without assistance for 3-5s, back handspring step out, T jump back handspring, back walkover back handspring, back handspring ½ turn round off back handspring, cartwheel back handspring, round off back handspring triple, front walkover round off back handspring

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 20s, handstand without assistance for 4-8s, standing back handspring series, back walkover back handspring triple, toe touch back handspring triple, round off back handspring back tuck.

Tumble Shapes:hold for 30s- half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick, tuck


Tumble 3B: 

Prerequisite: handstand assisted with equipment for 20s, handstand without assistance for 4-8s,standing back handspring series, back walkover back handspring triple, toe touch back handspring triple, ariel, punch front, round off back handspring back tuck.

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 20s, handstand without assistance for 4-8s, round off back handspring step out half turn round off tuck, punch front round off backhandspring back tuck, triple jump triple back handspring, toe touch back handspring step out round off back handspring back tuck, back handspring toe touch double back handspring, ariel, punch front

Tumble Shapes: hold for 30s-half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick, tuck


Tumble 4A/B: 

Prerequisite: handstand assisted with equipment for 20s, handstand without assistance for 4-8s, round off back handspring step out half turn round off tuck, punch front round off backhandspring back tuck, triple jump triple back handspring, toe touch back handspring step out round off back handspring back tuck, back handspring toe touch double back handspring

Tumble Skills: handstand assisted with equipment for 30s, handstand without assistance for 5-10s, standing back tuck, back walkover back tuck, back handspring series tuck, back handspring step out back tuck, jump back handspring series back tuck, cartwheel back tuck, front walkover cartwheel back tuck, round off back handspring layout, front walkover round off back handspring layout, punch front step out roundoff back handspring tuck, front handspring punch front step out roundoff back handspring back tuck. 

Tumble Shapes:hold for 30s- half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick, tuck


Tumble 5A/B: 

Prerequisite: : handstand assisted with equipment for 30s, handstand without assistance for 5-10s, standing back tuck, back walkover back tuck, back handspring series tuck, back handspring step out back tuck, jump back handspring series back tuch, cartwheel back tuck, front walkover cartwheel back tuck, round off back handspring layout, front walkover round off back handspring layout, punch front step out roundoff back handspring tuck, front handspring punch front step out roundoff back handspring back tuck. 

Tumble Skills: jump back tuck, standing handspring series layout, round off handspring full, punch front step out round off handspring full, standing full, arabian

Tumble Shapes: hold for 30s-half hollow, hollow hold, front support, lunge, L sit, superman, passe, candle stick, tuck

Online Registration